加拿大國防部:採購美國Boeing公司P-8A Poseidon海上巡邏機

時間: 2023年11月30日.

加拿大國防部進行加拿大多任務飛機Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft (CMMA)採購計畫,在日前與美國Boeing公司簽署採購14架P-8A Poseidon海上巡邏機和

2架選購權,採購金額約59億美元,將取代加拿大空軍現有CP-140 Aurora海上巡邏機,並加強反潛戰(ASW)以及情報,監視和偵察(ISR)能力.

預計首架P-8A Poseidon海上巡邏機在2026年交付,並以平均每月交付1架,最快可能在2027年第3季完成交付加拿大空軍,計畫在2033年達到全面作戰能力(FOC)


加拿大國防部:採購美國Boeing公司P-8A Poseid

Side view photo of a P-8A Poseidon aircraft with RCAF roundel above a table of technical specifications on the right side and a map of Canada on the left. On the map, two stars mark Comox, British Columbia, and Greenwood, Nova Scotia.


Text on image: Canada’s next Multi-Mission Aircraft. Canada will replace its legacy CP-140 Aurora fleet with the P-8A Poseidon. Payload: 5 anti-submarine torpedoes, 4 anti-ship missiles, 129 A-size sonobuoys, 5 air-droppable survival kits. Current operators: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand (all Five Eyes allies) and other defence partners. Basing: 14 Wing Greenwood, N.S., 19 Wing Comox, B.C. First Delivery: 2026. Fleet Size: Up to 16. Crew: 8. Ferry Range: 7,242 km. Air-to-Air Refuellable: Boom. Max Gross Take-off Weight: 85,820 kg. Max Speed: 907 km/h. Ceiling: 12,496 m. Wingspan: 37.7 m. Height: 12.83 m. Length: 39.5 m.


https://美國Boeing公司:P-8A Poseidon海上巡邏機參與加拿大多任務飛機(CMMA)採購計畫


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