
捷克IDET 2017年國際軍警&防務展:通用動力歐洲地面系統(GDELS)展出ASCOD裝甲運兵車輛

時間: 2017年5月31~6月2日.

地點: Brno展覽中心.

捷克陸軍計劃汰換現有BVP-2(BMP-2)裝甲運兵車輛,通用動力歐洲地面系統(GDELS)展出ASCOD裝甲運兵車輛並配備一具以色列Rafael公司Samson Mk II型遙控武器站(RWS)系統

其中ASCOD裝甲運兵車輛採用全焊接裝甲和附加裝甲設計,具備STANAG 4569 4/5級防護,可防禦14.5公厘彈藥或7.62公厘機槍攻擊,車上可搭載3+6名人員,另位最新的模組化裝甲則

可增強防禦反裝甲飛彈和RPG火箭彈攻擊,Rafael公司Samson Mk II型遙控武器站(RWS)系統配備一門30公厘機砲和一挺7.62公厘同軸機槍與兩枚Spike LR反裝甲飛彈.

General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) proposes its ASCOD tracked IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) for the replacement of old Soviet-made BMP-2 of Czech Army. At IDET 2017, the International Defence and Security Technologies Fair in Czech Republic, GDELS exhibits the ASCOD IFV fitted with an Israeli-made Rafael unmanned turret called Samson Mk II.

General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) proposes its ASCOD tracked IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) for the replacement of old Soviet-made BMP-2 of Czech Army. At IDET 2017, the International Defence and Security Technologies Fair in Czech Republic, GDELS exhibits the ASCOD IFV fitted with an Israeli-made Rafael unmanned turret called Samson Mk II.

General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) proposes its ASCOD tracked IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) for the replacement of old Soviet-made BMP-2 of Czech Army. At IDET 2017, the International Defence and Security Technologies Fair in Czech Republic, GDELS exhibits the ASCOD IFV fitted with an Israeli-made Rafael unmanned turret called Samson Mk II.


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