
美國AUSA 2015陸軍裝備展覽:美國Polaris公司展出新版本Dagor 4x4全地形車輛

展覽時間: 2015年10月12日.

美國Polaris公司展出新版本Dagor 4x4全地形車輛6人座型,增加包括管狀車架滾桿保護,車體後方2個乘員座位以提供後方觀測

和火力防護,另外車架上可安裝7.62公厘,12.7公厘機槍和40公厘榴彈發射器,Dagor 4x4全地形車輛採用柴油渦輪增壓發動機可

使用JP8燃料,時速可達110公里/時,可經由CH-47 Chinook和CH-53 Sea Stallion運輸直升機艙內運輸.

At AUSA 2015, U.S. army annual meeting and exposition, Polaris Defenses showcases a new updated version of its Dagor 4x4 all-terrain high mobility vehicle. The Dagors was developed by Polaris to fill a mobility gap for light infantry, expeditionary and special operations forces. The new variant of the Dagor is fitted with two additional seats located at the rear of the vehicle protected by a tubular frame.

At AUSA 2015, U.S. army annual meeting and exposition, Polaris Defenses showcases a new updated version of its Dagor 4x4 all-terrain high mobility vehicle. The Dagors was developed by Polaris to fill a mobility gap for light infantry, expeditionary and special operations forces. The new variant of the Dagor is fitted with two additional seats located at the rear of the vehicle protected by a tubular frame.

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