
馬來西亞第14屆DSA 2014年亞洲防務展覽:法國DCNS公司展出馬來西亞新型Littoral Combat Ship(LCS)瀕海戰鬥艦及相關產品

時間: 2014年4月15日.

法國DCNS公司展出馬來西亞新型Littoral Combat Ship(LCS)瀕海戰鬥艦及相關水面艦艇與潛艇項目並說明馬來西亞海軍新型LCS瀕海戰鬥艦將由法國DCNS公司派出25名技術人員前往莫實得造船廠(BNS)



馬來西亞海軍新型Gowind級Littoral Combat Ship(LCS)瀕海戰鬥艦,其中艦首搭載瑞典Bofors 57公厘匿蹤快砲.

Malaysia is a key country for DCNS in this part of the world, and the Group wish to strengthen its close relationships with the Malaysian industry in the view to combine and increase its position as a front-line local player in the Naval Defense and Maritime industry in Asia. This is the way DCNS see Malaysia as a vector of its international expansion. Malaysia is also very important to DCNS as it is one of the only countries where DCNS is present through its main business units: Surface Naval Systems, Submarines, and Services.


Malaysia is a key country for DCNS in this part of the world, and the Group wish to strengthen its close relationships with the Malaysian industry in the view to combine and increase its position as a front-line local player in the Naval Defense and Maritime industry in Asia. This is the way DCNS see Malaysia as a vector of its international expansion. Malaysia is also very important to DCNS as it is one of the only countries where DCNS is present through its main business units: Surface Naval Systems, Submarines, and Services.

    創作者 天平阿棟 的頭像


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