
美國Sea-Air-Space Exposition 2014年海/空裝備展覽:美國波音公司展出Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛

時間: 2014年4月8日.

美國波音公司Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛經過一系列的車輛搭配檢查,壓力和結構4G測試並完成5,000英里崎嶇地形耐久及成功在C-17運輸機進行空投試驗,已獲得美國海軍證實能夠在V-22 Osprey

傾斜旋翼機進行運輸任務,未來並可在C-17運輸機搭載10輛,C-130運輸機及CH-47直昇機搭載2輛,V-22 Osprey傾斜旋翼機搭載1輛.

Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛,車輛後段採模組化設計可迅速更換任務裝備包括偵察,戰鬥搜索與救援,傷兵轉運,武器掛載或爆裂物處理等任務執行.


Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛.

After a series of successful tests, the U.S. Navy last month certified that the Boeing Phantom Badger combat support vehicle can be transported inside a V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. That is another step toward providing warfighters with more options to deploy the versatile vehicle. Phantom Badger is part of the Bell Boeing V-22 display at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space Exposition currently held in National Harbor, Md.

另外也展出V-22 Osprey傾斜旋翼機海軍運輸機迷彩塗裝.

After a series of successful tests, the U.S. Navy last month certified that the Boeing Phantom Badger combat support vehicle can be transported inside a V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. That is another step toward providing warfighters with more options to deploy the versatile vehicle. Phantom Badger is part of the Bell Boeing V-22 display at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space Exposition currently held in National Harbor, Md.

    創作者 天平阿棟 的頭像


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