美國AUSA 2015陸軍裝備展覽:HDT Global公司展出微型多功能無人履帶車輛

展覽時間: 2015年10月12日.

美國HDT Global公司微型多功能無人履帶車輛,採用遠端手動遙控(無線鏈路可達400公尺),可攜帶227公斤物品與


化設計可安裝挖土,鏟土與掃雷連枷套件(可進行每小時5公里)清理安全路徑,武裝配備則可搭載M240B 7.62公厘機

槍,M2 12.7公厘機槍,MK19槍榴彈發射槍或Javelin反裝甲飛彈.

微型多功能無人履帶車輛火力支援型,配備12.7公厘機槍M153 CROWS通用遙控武器系統和掃雷連枷套件. 

The Micro-Utility Vehicle in fire support variant can carry the standard M-153 Common ­Remote Operated Weapon Station (CROWS), which can fire a M240B 7.62mm machine gun, M2 12.7mm machine gun, or automatic grenade launcher Mk19, while on the move. The CROWS can also be equipped with a Javelin anti-tank guided missile, in addition to the primary weapon. 

The HDT Global Micro-Utility Vehicle robot is a utility vehicle for dismounted infantry. It carries 500 kg of logistics 100 km on internal fuel. Less than a three 1 m wide, the robot goes wherever infantry goes, climbing 45° slopes, fording streams, and navigating narrow trails. Like the Jeep and HMMWV before it, the robot is simple, tough, inexpensive and adaptable. A wide variety of mission kits already exist for it.





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