
時間: 2017年1月6日.

烏克蘭政府批准開發新型Dnipro 中程地對空防空飛彈系統,其中防空雷達系統可偵測150公里範圍,高度7,000公尺空中目標,並可攔截15公尺到25公里戰機,直升機,無人機


新型Dnipro 中程地對空防空飛彈系統.

In 2016, the Ukrainian government has approved a new program for the development of new air defense system including a new medium-range missile under the name of "Dnipro". This new air defense system will be able to detect aircraft up to a range of 150 km.

In 2016, the Ukrainian government has approved a new program for the development of new air defense system including a new medium-range missile under the name of "Dnipro". This new air defense system will be able to detect aircraft up to a range of 150 km.


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