澳洲:進行AMV35 8×8裝甲車輛和Boxer CRV 8x8裝甲車輛船艦搭載操作測試

時間: 2016年12月6日.

澳洲海軍Canberra級首艘HMAS Canberra(LHD-02)號兩棲登陸艦進行BAE Systems公司AMV35 8×8裝甲車輛和Rheinmetall公司Boxer CRV 8x8裝甲車輛搭載操作測試

澳洲陸軍Land 400採購計畫包括戰鬥偵察車(CRV),步兵戰車(IFV),機動支援車(MSV)和綜合訓練系統(ITS),未來將採購225輛車以取代ASLAV裝甲車輛和M113AS4人員裝甲



BAE Systems公司AMV35 8×8裝甲車輛.

Australian armed forces has launched trial tests with the BAE Systems AMV35 and the Rheinmetall Boxer 8x8 armoured vehicle, one of the the combat vehicle that could replace the ASLAV armoured vehicle and the M113AS4 tracked armoured vehicle personnel carrier in the LAND 400 project of Australian Army.

Rheinmetall公司Boxer CRV 8x8裝甲車輛.

Australian armed forces has launched trial tests with the BAE Systems AMV35 and the Rheinmetall Boxer 8x8 armoured vehicle, one of the the combat vehicle that could replace the ASLAV armoured vehicle and the M113AS4 tracked armoured vehicle personnel carrier in the LAND 400 project of Australian Army.


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