
時間: 2014年4月9日.

南韓國防部公佈2款新型無人偵察機分別為Remoeye-006和RQ-101 Songgolmae無人偵察機,目的是為了展示南韓無人機製造能力和平息民眾擔憂安全威脅,其中所發現的北韓無人偵察機


機長: 約1.83 公尺.

翼展: 約2.45 公尺.

重量: 約12 公斤.


機長: 1.72 公尺.

翼展: 2.72 公尺.

重量: 6.5 公斤.

飛行時間: 12 小時.

最大速度: 75公里/時.


RQ-101 Songgolmae無人偵察機,相關規格:

機長: 5.0 公尺.

翼展: 6.2 公尺.

重量: 6.5 公斤.

最大速度: 150 公里/時.



The South Korean Defense Ministry on Tuesday, April 9, 2014, unveiled two unmanned aerial vehicles called Remoeye-006 and RQ-101 "Songgolmae" after criticism for failing to detect and counter North Korean reconnaissance drones. A South Korean military officer said the aim was to demonstrate South Korea's drone capabilities and quell public fears over the latest North Korean security threat.

RQ-101 Songgolmae無人偵察機. 

The South Korean Defense Ministry on Tuesday, April 9, 2014, unveiled two unmanned aerial vehicles called Remoeye-006 and RQ-101 "Songgolmae" after criticism for failing to detect and counter North Korean reconnaissance drones. A South Korean military officer said the aim was to demonstrate South Korea's drone capabilities and quell public fears over the latest North Korean security threat.


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