
時間: 2017年7月4日.

地點: Milford測試場.

美國通用汽車公司與美國陸軍合作開發ZH2 4x4氫燃料電池動力車輛,配備氫燃料電池和電力驅動系統,並在日前由美國陸軍第二步兵旅和第十特種部隊小組進行

雪佛蘭ZH2 4x4氫燃料電池動力車輛測試作業,在操作時能夠更安靜,更節能並可降低熱源訊號,除了可行走越野地形還可供電給其他設備,目前美國陸軍所使用的


ZH2 4x4氫燃料電池動力車輛可產生25 kW電力驅動和每小時可產生兩加侖可用水,並排放水蒸氣.

End of June, U.S. soldiers with the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team and 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) tested the Chevrolet Colorado ZH2 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle which was unveiled last year at at the AUSA Defense Exhibition in Washington D.C.

End of June, U.S. soldiers with the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team and 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) tested the Chevrolet Colorado ZH2 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle which was unveiled last year at at the AUSA Defense Exhibition in Washington D.C.


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