
Balt Military Expo 2016年波蘭第14屆海事裝備展覽:荷蘭Damen公司展出最新SIGMA 10514PL型護衛艦設計

展覽時間: 2016年6月20~22日.

展覽地點: 波蘭AMBEREXPO會展中心.

荷蘭Damen公司展出最新SIGMA 10514PL型護衛艦設計,採用與印尼海軍Sigma 10514 PKR型護衛艦相同艦體,不過更新艦體外觀設計以強化匿蹤能力

將参與波蘭新型Miecznik護衛艦(SIGMA 10514PL型近海防衛艦)和Czapla巡邏艦(SIGMA 10514PL型巡邏艦),兩種軍艦可配備Thales公司NS 100 3D

雷達系統,也可配備Thales公司Smart-S Mk2 3D雷達系統或SAAB公司Sea Giraffe AMB 3D雷達系統,兩種構型艦艇都可搭載多任務模組設計和二艘RHIB



艦長: 108.0 m.

艦寬: 14.2 m.

排水量: 2,365 噸.

航速: 28 節.

人員: 122 名.


近海防衛艦(Coastal Defense Ship)

Oto Melara 76公厘快砲 x 1 門.

MBDA VL-MICA垂直發射防空飛彈系統 x 12 枚.

SAAB RBS15反艦飛彈或Kongsberg NSM反艦飛彈  x 8 枚.

25公厘搖控機砲 x 1 門.

巡邏艦(Patrol Ship)

Oto Melara 76公厘快砲 x 1 門.

25公厘搖控機砲 x 1 門.

RAM海公羊系統或Thales LMM飛彈系統 x 1 門.

SIGMA 10514PL型近海防衛艦(左側)和SIGMA 10514PL型巡邏艦(右側).

At Balt Military Expo 2016 held in Gdansk, Poland, from 20 to 22 June 2016, Dutch shipbuilder DAMEN unveiled updated designs of its SIGMA family. A company representative explained to Navy Recognition that the updated designs feature more sleek, modern and stealthy lines. It is based on the same hull as the SIGMA 10514 PKR already selected by the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL).

SIGMA 10514PL型近海防衛艦(下側)和SIGMA 10514PL型巡邏艦(上側)武裝配備.

At Balt Military Expo 2016 held in Gdansk, Poland, from 20 to 22 June 2016, Dutch shipbuilder DAMEN unveiled updated designs of its SIGMA family. A company representative explained to Navy Recognition that the updated designs feature more sleek, modern and stealthy lines. It is based on the same hull as the SIGMA 10514 PKR already selected by the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL).

Thales公司NS 100 3D雷達系統.

「NS 100 3D radar」的圖片搜尋結果

印尼海軍首艘SIGMA 10514型PKR-105級331號護衛艦可與上上圖比較.

「Sigma 10514」的圖片搜尋結果


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