
Eurosatory 2016年歐洲國際防務展:義大利Leonardo公司展出新型Freccia 8x8裝甲偵察車輛-供國內參考

展覽時間: 2016年6月13日.

展覽地點: 巴黎Nord Villepinte展覽館.

義大利Leonardo公司展出新型Freccia 8x8裝甲偵察車輛,其中Hitfist 25公厘砲塔配備一套HORUS UAV無人偵察機搭載砲塔左側和車艙內配備一套TRP2 UGV無人地面車輛設計

其中HORUS UAV無人偵察機外型採用鴨式配置與前掠翼設計,配備一個光學傳感器可進行監視和戰術偵察任務,另外也可用從120公厘砲管,手擲或彈射器進行發射

TRP2 UGV無人地面車輛外型採用履帶設計,配備4個攝像頭具備夜視能力,重量輕可部分獨立拆卸以方便運輸,由單一士兵進行操作,速度可達15公里/時.

At Eurosatory 2016, Leonardo Defence Systems presents the Centauro VBM Explorer, a new reconnaissance vehicle based on the Centauro 8x8 armoured vehicle from CIO (Consortium Iveco – Oto Melara. The vehicle is equipped with one unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) HORUS and one TRP2 unmanned ground vehicle (UGV).

The Centauro VBM Explorer is especially designed to perform reconnaissance missions. It features the integration of the Janus Panoramic Sight, the Horus UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) launcher mounted to the left side of the Hitfist 25mm combat turret and one TRP2 UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) stored inside the vehicle, at the rear of the hull.

The Centauro VBM Explorer is especially designed to perform reconnaissance missions. It features the integration of the Janus Panoramic Sight, the Horus UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) launcher mounted to the left side of the Hitfist 25mm combat turret and one TRP2 UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) stored inside the vehicle, at the rear of the hull.

The Centauro VBM Explorer is especially designed to perform reconnaissance missions. It features the integration of the Janus Panoramic Sight, the Horus UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) launcher mounted to the left side of the Hitfist 25mm combat turret and one TRP2 UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) stored inside the vehicle, at the rear of the hull.



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