
哈薩克KADEX 2016年第4屆國際軍事裝備防務展覽:哈薩克Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering(KPE)公司展出Arlan 4x4裝甲車輛衍生車型

展覽時間: 2016年6月2~5日.

展覽地點: 哈薩克Astana.

哈薩克Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering(KPE)公司與南非Paramount公司Marauder 4x4車型在2015年12月開始合作生產Arlan 4x4裝甲車輛,並衍生出3種車型包括


Marauder 4x4車型外觀差異在乘員艙改採用大型防彈玻璃並配備射擊窗口設計,內部則依哈薩克使用單位需求. 

Arlan 4x4人員運輸車型,配備土耳其ASELSAN公司遙控武器站並搭載1挺12.7公厘機槍.

Latest variants of the Arlan 4x4 armoured vehicle are presented by Kazakhastan Paramoiunt Engineering (KPE) at KADEX 2016, the Kazakhstan defense exhibition. In December 2015, the South African based Company Paramount Group has announced the opening of a new armoured vehicle factory in the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan.

Arlan 4x4防空車型,配備4管防空飛彈遙控砲塔,可搭載SA-18 Grouse防空飛彈,Igla防空飛彈和9K38防空飛彈系統.

The Arlan air defense variant is fitted with a turret mounted on the roof of the vehicle which is armed with four Igla launcher tubes. The SA-18 Grouse or Igla or 9K38 is a Russian made man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile defence system (SAM/MANPAD). The SA-18 missile has a maximum range of 5,000 m and a maximum altitude of 3,500 m.

Arlan 4x4偵察巡邏車型,搭載檢測雷達和熱顯像儀伸縮桅杆,具備日,夜間偵察能力.

The Arlan reconnaissance patrol vehicle is designed for target detection, classification and tracking. Additionally, this vehicle can be applied as an advanced intelligent center for the adjustment of artillery fire under any weather conditions, at both night and day conditions. The rear part of the vehicle is fitted with telescopic mast with detection radar and thermal camera.



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