美國科學應用國際公司(SAIC):推出首輛美國陸戰隊AAV (LVTP-7)兩棲突擊車生存升級型

時間: 2016年1月30日.

科學應用國際公司(SAIC)在2015年3月與美國陸戰隊(USMC)地面系統(PEO-LS)項目執行辦公室簽署合約,獲得6,900萬美元進行美國陸戰隊AAV (LVTP-7)兩棲突擊車

Survivability Upgrade(SU)生存升級型改良作業,將進行10輛生存升級型作戰測試和評估車輛和52輛LRIP低速率初始階段生產計畫,通過測試後將以5年1.94億美元在


AAV (LVTP-7)兩棲突擊車生存升級型項目,包括裝甲升級,發動機改造以提高功率和扭力,更換老化傳動裝置,升級懸吊部件,安裝新推進器,防爆座椅,升級車輛控制,


The American Company SAIC releases a picture on his Twitter account showing the first Amphibious Assault Vehicle Survivability Upgrade for the US marine Corps AAV (Assault Amphibious Vehicle). The AAV (also called LVTP-7) is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle manufactured by U.S. Combat Systems.

The American Company SAIC releases a picture on his Twitter account showing the first Amphibious Assault Vehicle Survivability Upgrade for the US marine Corps AAV (Assault Amphibious Vehicle). The AAV (also called LVTP-7) is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle manufactured by U.S. Combat Systems.


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