歐洲NHIndustries(NHI)公司:交付法國海軍第14架NH90 NFH Caiman反潛直升機

時間: 2015年8月12日.

NHIndustries(NHI)公司在7月17日交付法國海軍第14架NH90 NFH Caiman反潛直升機為採用Step B規格標準,將由Lanvéoc-Poulmic

海軍航空站33F flotilla中隊負責操作維護並可部署在Aquitaine(FREMM)級與Forbin(Horizon)級驅逐艦上.

NH Industries delivered the last NH90 NFH Caiman in "Step B" standard to the French Navy (Marine Nationale) on July 17, 2015. It is the fourteenth Caiman delivered out of the 27 on order by the French Navy.

NH90 NFH Caiman反潛直升機可攜帶2枚MU90魚雷.

NH Industries delivered the last NH90 NFH Caiman in "Step B" standard to the French Navy (Marine Nationale) on July 17, 2015. It is the fourteenth Caiman delivered out of the 27 on order by the French Navy.


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