
美國AUSA 2014年陸軍裝備展覽:美國Boeing波音公司展出新型Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛120公厘迫擊砲載版本

時間: 2014年10月15日.

Boeing公司展出新型Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛,總重量為3,560公斤可與V-22 Osprey傾斜旋翼機搭配作為一個多樣化的作戰裝備組合並以在2014年4月完成一系列測試證明可在

V-22 Osprey傾斜旋翼機內運輸使用,由於車體後方採用模組化設計可迅速改變任務模組包括偵察,戰鬥搜索與救援,傷員後送,武器掛載和爆炸物處置等任務執行加上可運輸性和可靠的全地

形性能組合也增加任務靈活性和生存性,防衛武裝包括12.7公厘機槍和40公厘榴彈發射器,Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛採用Jeep Grand Cherokee車系柴油V6 3.0L渦輪增壓發動機


Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛120公厘迫擊砲載版本,迫擊砲裝置設在車輛後方由車輛發動機進行供電,車上可搭載20枚120公厘迫擊砲彈另外在拖車上則可搭載50枚120公厘迫擊砲彈.


Phantom Badger 4X4戰術車輛120公厘迫擊砲載版本.

During the Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition which was held from Oct. 13-15 in Washington, D.C., Boeing has unveiled a new version of its Phantom Badger combat support vehicle fitted with a 120mm mortar mounted at the rear of the vehicle.

During the Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition which was held from Oct. 13-15 in Washington, D.C., Boeing has unveiled a new version of its Phantom Badger combat support vehicle fitted with a 120mm mortar mounted at the rear of the vehicle.

During the Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition which was held from Oct. 13-15 in Washington, D.C., Boeing has unveiled a new version of its Phantom Badger combat support vehicle fitted with a 120mm mortar mounted at the rear of the vehicle.


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